

My name is Kyle Tenor. Im a passionate Health and Mindset Coach based in Minneapolis. I created Desired Life in September 2022 with the goal of Simplifying fitness advice and helping people take control of their health to crush their goals and better serve those around them.

I constantly seek new ways to help people become the Strongest, Healthiest, and most Capable, Vibrant versions of themselves and ultimately create their Desired Life.

This is where I will share my experiences, insights, and journey with you. We offer flexible 1 on 1 online coaching and In person training. Join me as we grow and explore the endless possibilities together!

Founder & Head Coach

My Story

For years leading into March of 2020 I had struggled with consistency in the gym and yo-yoed between crash diets and binge eating. The toxic cycle repeatedly left me feeling guilty and hopeless. I wanted to lose weight and look a certain way but I feared that even if I was able to achieve a good physique I wouldn’t be able to sustain it.

When we were sent into lockdown I began learning about proper training and nutrition. This is the first time I had programmed a workout and tracked my calories. I went on to lose 20 pounds and looked the best I ever had up to then. The progress I made that summer ignited my passion for training and nutrition that continues to this day.

February 1, 2021 I lost my dad due to covid and complications with his cancer treatment. He was also type 2 diabetic and had battled heart issues for years. This taught me the importance of Physical and mental health beyond surface level.

During this time I doubled down on my own fitness journey so that I could better help my family. Being someone people could come to in times of need was extremely fulfilling. My Dad taught me the value of hard work, attention to detail and the relentless pursuit of excellence. With those things in mind I started out to create Desired Life so that we can all continue to become the best versions of ourselves and serve others to the best of our abilities.



  • L1

  • Mindset specialist


  • Certified Personal Trainer

What We Do

I specialize in helping frustrated men and women stick to their weight loss goals and achieve their DESIRED LIFE without restrictive diets and demanding workout routines with our simple 3 phase system.

How We Do It

  • Asses and repair metabolism

    Create and guide you through your unique plan

    Lay the foundation for sustainable fat loss

  • Accelerate metabolism and fat loss

    Increase strength and stability

    Nutritional periodization

  • Lifestyle integration

    Learn how to keep it off

    Remove fear of gaining it back

    Keys to consistency